Welcome to Ask Coach Parry. Yasmine got in touch, and she was at one of your Comrades Marathon Women’s Seminars recently.

She says thank you for all the information and advice at that seminar. She wanted to know about strength training. When does she do strength training? Does she do it on the days that she runs, or on the days off?

She is currently following your Vic Clapham programme.

She says thank you for all the information and advice at that seminar. She wanted to know about strength training. When does she do strength training? Does she do it on the days that she runs, or on the days off?

She is currently following your Vic Clapham programme.

Lindsey: I would do my strength training on the rest days. But, one day a week should be a full rest day. On the Vic Clapham training plan you are running four days a week, so I would take up two of those days for cross training and/or strength training.

That will allow you to really improve your strength, and the strength will in turn help you reduce your injury risk. It will also make you a better runner and then you have that one day where you can just lie in bed to recover from the week’s training.

We are huge advocates of strength training here at Coach Parry, especially for Comrades runners. If you’re not currently doing any strength training, we’d strongly suggest the you download our free Comrades Marathon strength training plan and start doing it today.

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