If the idea of running a marathon has ever crossed your mind, you’re in the right place.

The Berlin Marathon, held each year in the lively and historic German capital, isn’t just any race – it’s a special event that attracts runners from all around the world. 

From its stunning course that takes you through the city’s famous landmarks to the electrifying energy of the cheering crowds, the Berlin Marathon is a dream for many.

Now, you might be wondering, “I’m just starting out, and a full 26.2-mile (42.2-km) marathon seems like a big leap. Can I really do it?”

With the right training, mindset, and guidance, the answer is yes! You can go from being a beginner runner with little to no experience to successfully running and finishing the Berlin Marathon.

That’s precisely where this guide comes in.  We will walk you step by step through our “Couch to Berlin Marathon” training approach, a method that has been tried, tested, and proven successful. 

Along the way, we’ll cover all the essential knowledge you need as a beginner taking on this exciting challenge. 

So, whether you’re not very active, do some occasional jogging, or have never run before, this guide will open the door to marathon running for you.

Getting goosebumps?

Let’s jump in!

First, Let’s Understand Your Current Fitness Level

Before you put on those running shoes and hit the road, it’s very important to know your current fitness level. 

Knowing where you’re starting from helps create a training plan that’s just right for you.

If you’ve never run before or jogging around the block isn’t a regular thing for you, the idea of running 26.2 miles (42.2 km) might seem like an almost impossible mission. 

Don’t worry; it’s entirely normal to feel that way.

In this article, we’ll assume you’re a complete beginner, often referred to as starting at the ‘couch’ level. 

We’re going to break down your journey from the couch to the Berlin Marathon into small, achievable steps. 

This approach will prevent you from doing too much too soon and keep you motivated all the way to the finish line.

Let’s find out how long it’ll take to reach each of these steps…

How Long Does It Take To Train For Couch To Berlin Marathon?

By consistently following a well-structured training plan, you can go from couch to running the Berlin Marathon in 48 weeks. 

This gradual approach will help you build your stamina and endurance while reducing the risk of injury, making it an achievable goal. 

Let’s break down those 48 weeks into manageable stages:

  • 0 to 5 km (0 to 3.1 miles): You’ll spend the first 12 weeks building up your stamina to cover this distance.
  • 5 to 10 km (3.1 to 6.2 miles): The next 12 weeks will focus on increasing your endurance to run this longer distance.
  • 10 to 21 km (6.2 to 13.1 miles): You’ll spend another 12 weeks gradually extending your runs to reach this half-marathon distance.
  • 21 to 42 km (13.1 to 26.2 miles): Finally, in the last 12 weeks, you’ll be preparing to run the full marathon distance.

By following the training plans provided later in this post, you’ll see how reaching milestones at 5km, 10km, and 21km are crucial steps on your journey to running the Berlin Marathon.

If you stick to these training plans one after the other, you’ll be marathon-ready in just 12 months. This is a proven, science-based 12-month beginner Berlin Marathon training plan. 

What you do in the weeks leading up to your Berlin marathon will either set you up for success or failure…
Ensure your success with access to the Coach Parry 42k Training Roadmap!

It not only tells you what training to do each day but also specifies the right pace to avoid injuries and ensure you’re perfectly prepared for the big race day.

So, let’s take a peek at what your training will entail!

What Your Couch To Berlin Marathon Training Will Look Like

The secret to going from couch to running the Berlin Marathon is to boost your endurance while staying safe and injury-free. And the easiest way to do this is by sticking to a training plan designed just for you, considering your age, your gender, and your fitness level.

Training plans, like the ones we offer, are designed to gently increase your running without you having to guess how far or fast you should run each day.

These training plans start off slow, but they pick up the pace. Don’t worry; it’s not too fast, and it helps you adapt without risking any injuries.

Choosing the right program is like finding the perfect puzzle piece – it’s crucial for your training journey’s success. If you’re unsure, chat with one of our coaches. We’re here to make sure you start off on the right foot.

To help you succeed, stick to these key principles:

  • Do strength training. This is probably one of the most important aspects of the training, as it will prepare your body to handle the load to come. Incorporating strength training into your routine is essential for injury prevention and improved performance.
  • Be Consistent. Staying committed and consistently completing your training sessions will yield positive results over the coming weeks.
  • Follow Training Paces. Stick to your training pace, even if running faster might feel tempting. Trust the process and the plan designed to achieve your goals.

Exercises like toe raise and forward & lateral band walks, for example, are perfect. Our free strength training plan is a great place to start and you can download it by clicking here.

Here’s a breakdown of what your training sessions will look like …

MUST READ: Game Changers For Beginner Runners

Easy Training Runs

Easy runs are an essential part of your training plan as they help you gradually increase your weekly running volume. 

These runs should be done at a pace where you can comfortably hold a conversation with a running partner. 

Maintaining a relaxed and conversational pace is key to mastering easy runs. 

Easy runs serve several important purposes, including aiding in recovery after demanding or intense workouts, cooling down your body, and flushing out waste buildup. 

They are crucial for building your aerobic base, improving cardiovascular fitness, and increasing endurance. 

They achieve this through:

  • Mitochondrial Growth: These runs also boost the number of power factories in your cells, called mitochondria. Think of them as energy factories. When you have more of them, your muscles get better at making energy.
  • Capillary Growth: Easy runs help grow tiny blood vessels called capillaries. These little guys carry oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. When you have more capillaries, your muscles get more oxygen.
  • Improved Use Of Oxygen: Easy runs teach your body to use oxygen better. This is super important for long-lasting activities because it helps you use oxygen more effectively. That means you can keep going for longer and feel stronger.

Long Runs

Long runs are at the heart of your training plan because they involve covering a significantly greater distance than your regular runs. 

I know they seem daunting, but long runs offer numerous benefits. 

The primary goal is to boost your endurance and teach your muscles how to efficiently access energy for distances ranging from 5K to marathons. 

Long runs also play a key role in improving running economy over longer distances. 

They help you prepare both mentally and physiologically for the marathon distance. 

Experimenting with different nutrition strategies during long runs can help you determine what works best for race day. 

The longest run, scheduled 3 to 4 weeks before the marathon, serves as a crucial milestone in your training, measuring your readiness for the marathon distance. 

It boosts your confidence and solidifies your race-day strategy. 

However, there are common mistakes many amateurs make that we want you to avoid:

  • Running Too Fast: One big blunder is pushing too hard. Long runs are about endurance, not speed. Keep it at a comfortable, manageable pace.
  • Rapidly Increasing Mileage: Don’t rush to increase how far you run every week. Doing this too quickly can lead to overtraining and injuries. Follow a gradual, safe progression.
  • Taking Too Many Breaks: Avoid taking lots of long breaks during your long runs. They can mess up your average pace and make it seem easier than it really is. Keep the momentum going!

Here are 7 INCREDIBLY Simple Ways To BOSS Your Long Run


Cross-training means mixing up your workouts with activities other than just running.

These activities can be things like swimming, yoga, cycling, hiking, or pilates. It’s like adding variety to your training routine.

Why Cross-Training is Important

  • Boosts Cardio Fitness: Cross-training isn’t just about running; it gives your heart a good workout too. This boosts your overall cardiovascular fitness, making you better at enduring and staying strong.
  • Muscles Love It: Unlike running, which can be tough on certain muscles, cross-training uses them differently. That means a lower chance of overuse injuries like shin splints or a runner’s knee.
  • Injury Prevention: Especially when you’re gearing up for big races like the Berlin Marathon, cross-training can help prevent injuries. It keeps you strong and balanced, ready to tackle the miles.

Strength Training

Strength training designed for runners is incredibly important, mainly for two big reasons. First, it helps prevent injuries, and second, it boosts your running abilities, making you quicker and more effective.

At Coach Parry, we firmly believe in the power of strength training, which is why we’ve included our Strength and Conditioning (S&C) plans in our training program.

Now, you might be thinking, “I can find strength training anywhere online.” That’s true, but it’s not just about having a plan; it’s about doing the right type of work to compliment your running and doing it correctly.

Technique matters, and we place a huge emphasis on it in our S&C classes.

Strength training targets those smaller muscle groups that keep you balanced and supported, which are very important for maintaining the right form and technique while you run. 

This reduces the chance of injuries, making it especially valuable for folks who are injury-prone or getting up there in age.

But there’s more! 

Strength training can also amp up your running efficiency by 4% to 6%. That means you can run smoother and with less fatigue. 

And that’s a big win for your overall performance.

Related: 10 Strength Training Tips That Will Get You Running Like A Pro

Rest Days

Rest days are just as important as your active training days. They play a big role in preventing injuries and letting your body get used to your training.

On these days, your body gets a chance to fix itself and get stronger. This helps you become fitter, faster, and stronger in the long run.

Adaptation to training actually happens when we rest, not while we train. This is why it is so important to rest appropriately

Not giving your body enough time to rest and recover can raise the risk of injuries and even make you sick. 

So, giving your body the right amount of time to rest is super important.

In Coach Parry’s training plans, we’ve carefully planned your rest days to help you recover as much as possible. This way, you can fit in all your training and rest days on the right days.

Remember, staying consistent is important, even when it comes to taking a break. Letting your body recover after your runs is a key part of getting ready for your next one.

Related: A Practical Guide To Running Recovery

Setting Couch To Marathon Goals (5K, 10K, 21K)

When you’re planning your training from couch to marathon, it’s important to set clear goals for each stage: 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon. 

These stages should be seen as separate goals, each with its own timeline and objectives.

As you progress through the training plans, don’t be afraid to adjust your time goals based on your performance. 

Our training plans include a time trial every four weeks, which is a great way to track your progress. 

Remember, it’s perfectly fine to take breaks between training plans if your body needs it. 

For example, after completing the ‘Couch to 5K’ plan, you don’t have to rush into the ‘5K to 10K’ plan immediately. You can maintain your fitness by walking, hiking, or doing other cross-training activities.

Don’t rush from one plan to the next if you’re not feeling ready. Take the time to rest and solidify your new running fitness before moving on. 

Listen to your body throughout this process. Pushing through minor pains can lead to chronic injuries, which we want to avoid. 

Setting realistic goals based on your current abilities is crucial. 

For instance, you might aspire to run a marathon in under 3 hours and 40 minutes, and you know you can achieve it. 

However, training at that pace now could be risky because it’s above your current fitness level. 

It might lead to injuries and training in the wrong zones. So, focus on where you are now and gradually work your way toward your ultimate goal.

How To Stay Motivated For An Entire Year Of Training

Maintaining motivation for a whole year of marathon training is a big challenge, but it’s vital for success. 

Here are some practical tips to help you stay motivated:

Run With A Friend Or Join A Club

Training with a buddy or a local running group makes it more fun and keeps you accountable. The camaraderie and social support can be incredibly motivating.

Reconnect With Your Why 

Remember why you started this journey in the first place. Whether it’s for personal achievement, health, or a charitable cause, keeping your purpose front and center can be a powerful motivator on tough days.

Keep A Training Journal

Document your progress, both the highs and the lows, in a training journal. Tracking your improvements over time can be incredibly motivating and help you see how far you’ve come.

Visualize Your Goal

Close your eyes and picture yourself crossing the finish line at the Berlin Marathon. 

Visualization can be a potent tool to keep you focused and motivated, especially during challenging training sessions.

Mix It Up

Don’t get stuck in a routine. Mix up your training routes or try new paths and workouts (cross-train) to keep things interesting. 

Reward Yourself

Break your year-long training into smaller milestones. When you achieve these goals, reward yourself. It could be a new piece of running gear, a favorite treat, or a relaxing massage. These rewards can serve as incentives.

Stay Flexible

While consistency is crucial, flexibility is equally important. Life can throw unexpected curveballs. Be willing to adjust your training plan when necessary rather than feeling discouraged by challenges.

Celebrate Small Wins

Don’t wait until the marathon to celebrate your achievements. Acknowledge and celebrate smaller victories along the way. Each milestone reached is a step closer to your ultimate goal.

Seek Inspiration

Follow other runners’ journeys, read inspiring stories, or watch motivational videos. Sometimes, seeing others overcome challenges can reignite your own motivation.

Remember It’s Okay To Rest

Pushing yourself too hard without breaks can lead to burnout. Rest is a vital part of training. Embrace it and allow your body and mind to recover.

Remember, staying motivated is a test of your commitment. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and keep your eyes on the marathon finish line. You’ve got this!

First-Time Berlin Marathon Runner Tips

Here are some beginner tips to keep you on track:

  1. Get the Right Shoes. Your journey starts with the right running shoes. They should support and comfort your feet. If you’re not sure, this article will help
  2. Stay Motivated. Building mental strength is as important as physical endurance. Find ways to stay motivated, especially when things get tough.
  3. Cross Train. Don’t just run. Try activities like swimming, cycling, or yoga to keep your fitness routine interesting and prevent injuries.
  4. Sleep Well. Quality sleep is vital for runners. It’s when your body repairs and strengthens. Make sure you get enough rest. Find out why
  5. Easy Does It: Learn to pace your easy runs. These are the foundation of your training and should be comfortable. Don’t push too hard during these.
  6. Eat Right. Pay attention to your nutrition. Proper food and hydration keep your energy up and help you recover. Learn about runner-specific nutrition.
  7. Stick to the Plan. Consistency is your friend. Try to follow your training plan as closely as possible. Consistent training builds your stamina for race day.
  8. Get Strong. Strength training protects you from injuries. It targets small muscles important for balance and support. Follow a runner-specific strength plan to stay safe.

Remember, this journey takes time. Be patient and keep going. With these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to conquer the marathon.


Devlin Eyden has a passion for seeing his athletes grow and excel. From novice runners or cyclists across all disciplines to elite mountain bikers representing South Africa at World Championships. In addition to helping you ride faster, for longer, Devlin also has the personal touch when it comes to your bike setup, aiming at improving the overall rider experience. With his background as a Sport Scientist as well as a Strength & Conditioning specialist, performance is Devlin’s main priority, be it in the gym, the lab or out on the road or trails. Being a keen runner & cyclist and having completed the Cape Epic among others, Devlin has first hand experience in what it take to reach your goals. If you’re looking for a once-off training program or ongoing, high touch support Devlin has you covered.

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