Jayne started running a short time before her 50th birthday after claiming that she would never ever be a runner.
Honestly, she hated running. Jayne believed she was too old to take up running and that it just wasn’t for her…
Meet Jayne Tulip

This milestone birthday of turning the big 50 brought home the need to take health and fitness more seriously and somehow I ended up starting the Couch to 5K Plan.”
For a long time Jayne had a love/hate relationship with running- it just always felt so hard for her!
Now, 5 years later… Running helps her feel strong and capable and Jayne says that: “To be honest, I think it’s the post-run feel that keeps me engaged.”
After a run, (like most of us and one of the many reasons why we love running) Jayne usually feels that she can cope with anything.
I think anyone reading this will agree that running makes us feel sort- of invincible – It’s amazing!
Jayne’s Achievements
Jayne recently finished her first 24K trail endurance event. She was on a sub 2 hr 40 plan and managed to finish at 2hrs 30mins!!
(We are just so proud of you Jayne!😊)
This was her forum post on the Coach Parry Community Forum:
“Hi, coaches,
Pleased to say I finished my 24k trail endurance event yesterday, I was on a sub 2 hours 40 plan and managed 2 30 so happy with that! Lots of learning for next time!
There were so many hills!
I’m planning on not doing much for the next week except maybe park run, then the following week just doing a few 30-40 min runs before thinking about my next plan.”
Jayne told us that the Personal Best she is actually most pleased with was the one she achieved after her first Coach Parry plan.
She followed the sub 35 min 5k. “Prior to starting the plan my earlier park run times were 36-37 mins.”
She mentioned that her local park run is quite hilly and whilst she hasn’t yet managed a sub 30 on that course… whilst on the sub 35 5k plan she managed a brilliant 26.28 5K!
I was really pleased with that and don`t quite know how it happened!”
Joining The Running Through Menopause Masterplan With Coach Parry
Jayne joined just over a year ago, specifically in May 2021.
“I joined as I had lost focus, felt like I wasn`t changing, and was trying to handle a niggling Achilles tendon problem.”
Join us for a free online presentation of the…
The Running Through Menopause Masterclass
…and discover how you can run well (and faster) as you get older, without training more or harder than you currently are, all while avoiding injury.
If it feels like you’re training harder than ever but not running the paces you’d like to be running or if you’re constantly tired, fatigued or running in some sort of pain, then this is specifically for you.
Save Your Seat In This Training Now…
Biggest Contributor To Jayne’s Success Story
She told us that DEFINITELY- consistency is the biggest contributor to her achieving her goals.
Learning to handle my mind on longer runs, and to control when my mind gets the better of me and tells me what I can’t do and when it’s time to stop. – This has been invaluable.”
Jayne says that she has also nearly finally learned to accept that her runs are HER runs and that comparing to others is joy zapping, there will always be PLENTY of runners who are faster than she is.
I can`t NOT mention the strength work and especially footwork as I don`t think my Achilles would be so well behaved without it!”
What’s Next For Jayne?
She wants to keep enjoying woodland trails, birdwatching on the run, and of course, running injury free.
I have a 10K trail run in October and I hope by my 55th birthday later this year to manage sub 30 at my local park run.”
Hardest Part Of Achieving This Goal
Getting out when she didn`t feel like it, switching off her mind before a long run when it wanted to tell her: ‘You still have more than 2 hours to run’
Mind management has been the biggest challenge for Jayne. (That’s not to say that there isn`t a physical challenge.)
Part of the reason why she’s learned to love running is that Jayne really enjoys doing some albeit speed bird and wildlife watching whilst running.
I have seen foxes dash in front of me early in the morning in the woods, heard cuckoos, and watched redstarts flitting about. Running in a spring woodland surrounded by birdsong takes some beating.”
Sounds amazing Jayne. We can’t wait to hear from you when you smash your local parkrun PB!💪
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