Sebina from New Zealand has a 6-month-old son and wants to train for a 10km race in 2 months, planning to take the pram with her.
Currently, she can run 7km in 60 minutes with the pram and 10km without focusing on time. She can only manage to run 2-3 times a week due to her full-time job. She wonders if she should follow a beginner’s schedule or incorporate interval training.

Considerations for Postpartum Running
Postpartum Physical Considerations:
- Joint Stability: Since Sebina is six months postpartum, concerns about hormones like prolactin affecting joint stability are minimal.
- Breastfeeding: If Sebina is breastfeeding, her energy consumption will be higher. This should be considered when planning her training intensity and recovery.
Training Recommendations
Current Fitness Level:
Sebina is already running 7km in 60 minutes with a pram and can complete 10km. This indicates a solid fitness base, suggesting she can handle more than a beginner’s schedule.
Incorporating Intensity:
- Intensity Training: Sebina can add one run per week with some intensity work, such as intervals or fast-paced training.
- Limit Intensity: High-intensity training should not exceed 10% of her weekly mileage. Calculate her total weekly distance and ensure interval training stays within this limit.
Monitoring Recovery:
- Breastfeeding Impact: If she is breastfeeding, she should carefully monitor her recovery. Intense training might require more recovery time.
- Recovery Signs: Feeling lethargic, excessively tired, or struggling to get out of bed are signs she may need to reduce intensity.
Training Frequency:
- Consistency: Running 2-3 times a week is a realistic goal given her full-time job and new motherhood responsibilities.
- Balanced Approach: Focus on maintaining a balance between easy runs, one long run, and one session of intensity work.
Practical Tips for Training with a Pram
- Pram Runs: Since Sebina plans to race with the pram, incorporating pram runs into her training will be beneficial for building strength and stamina.
- Safety and Comfort: Ensure the pram is designed for running and that both Sebina and her baby are comfortable and safe during runs.
Maintaining Physical Activity During Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Guide
Example Training Week
- Easy Run: One run focusing on easy, conversational pace.
- Long Run: One longer run, gradually increasing distance each week.
- Interval Run: One run with intervals, ensuring the total high-intensity distance is within 10% of the weekly mileage.
Sebina is well-prepared to start incorporating some intensity into her training. By focusing on balanced training, monitoring her recovery, and ensuring pram safety, she can effectively prepare for her 10km race. Given her current fitness level, a beginner’s program is not necessary, and she can aim for a more intermediate approach to achieve her goals.
For more personalized training plans and support, Sebina can explore joining a running community or seeking advice from a running coach.
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