I am fast approaching 58 and have been running regularly for over 30 years”
David says that he wouldn’t be without running – it bestows on him a sense of calm, satisfaction, achievement, and much more.
Meet David Brewer…

David was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in 2014 and had to stop running for 4 years…
During this time he elected to have major hip surgery – “I have a ceramic resurfaced hip.”
David knew that he had to replace his running with something else
And so… He learned to swim from scratch at the age of 50.
I have since raced 2 ITU world championship Aquathlon races. But running is my first love and starting to capture my imagination again as I improve post-surgery and all the deconditioning that goes with not running for an extended period of time.”
Recent PB’s
David had just run a 1:29:45 at the Hannover half marathon which placed him #8 out of 332 in the MV55-59 age category!!
Very happy with that and so Valencia marathon beckons in December 2022 and maybe even a crack at Comrades in 2023.”
David says that he followed the FBF sub 1:30 plan and it worked a dream – he ran a nice even pace and felt strong all the way around.
An Unforgettable Running Experience
In 1995 at the Berlin Marathon he set off hoping to run sun 3:10 having improved from 3:29 in New York in 1994 and 3:19 in London in 1995.
The next series of events is just too exciting, we had to quote David word for word!
Coincidentally I happened to notice my split at 14k was 59 mins. Hang on a minute I thought, I’ve just run a third distance in under an hour – I was scared and excited but felt good!”
So, I promised myself just to focus on maintaining pace and not worrying about time until 28k. The marker duly arrived and my watch said 1:58 – I had maintained my pace exactly. No choice now I thought, I have to go for it!”
I tried to contain the excitement, relax and maintain my pace. The last 5k was tough but I came home at 2:57:45.!!!”
Sub 3 glory and totally unexpected – I shall always remember the feeling of elation and how it lasted for such a long time.”
Hello, Coach Parry
David joined Coach Parry 3 years ago… Although he says that he has only really been actively using training plans for 6 months or so and the benefits have been significant.
He likes the ethos of FBF and the focus on strength and running – “It has certainly helped me a lot!”
Join us for a free online presentation of the…
The Faster Beyond 50 Masterclass
…and discover how you can run well (and faster) as you get older, without training more or harder than you currently are, all while avoiding injury.
If it feels like you’re training harder than ever but not running the paces you’d like to be running or if you’re constantly tired, fatigued or running in some sort of pain, then this is specifically for you.
Save your seat in this training now…
The Biggest Contributor To David’s Success Story
“Undoubtedly following Coach Parry training plans!”
Future Goals
David’s first marathon in over 10 years at Valencia in December 2022.
Following a CP plan of course 😊… and then maybe Comrades in 2023, looking to go sub 9”
Struggles On The Journey
Osteoarthritis and major hip surgery meant David couldn’t run for 4 years in his early fifties, just as the deconditioning kicks in …
So it’s been tough to get back, but I finally feel like the strength and speed are returning.”
Hardest Part Of Reaching Your Goals
Nothing really – I’ve always enjoyed training hard and following the structure of a plan I believe in.”
Something Interesting
David had been following a low-carb diet for the last six months and it has worked very well for him.
“I have lost weight – now down to 65kg (height 179) without any loss in power and energy.”
He says that he has always trained hard fasted, so he feels a minimal impact there and he feels that his weight for racing now feels right.
Absolutely INSPIRING story David.
Bring on Valencia!💪
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