Running helps Nicola switch off from the noise of every day and allows her space to recharge and come back a better person!
Meet Nicola Amos

I started running by accident really, during the lockdown.”
Nicola’s son suggested that they run in the early mornings when lockdown first started in the UK.
It was spring so they were both enjoying the beautiful weather. They would do a 5k loop along country lanes where they live.
She told us that the 5k would take them nearly an hour in the early days, but they put the world to rights and checked on the newborn lambs in a nearby field.
“It will always be one of my special memories.” – Nicola
Since then, Nicola believes running has helped her mentally, improved her fitness, and helped make her feel stronger.
Recent Achievements
When Nicola joined Coach Parry she set the goal to run a half marathon – which she had never done before… until now!
Nicola ran The Great West Run in Exeter, England, it’s not the flattest course and she managed to clock an incredible 1hr 57 finish!!
This was Nicola’s forum post:
Where do I start!? Two years ago, I hadn’t run at all although I’ve always been sporty (tennis mainly). My son and I started running in lockdown and I’ve just slowly plodded on. I joined Coach Parry last September and my goal was to get to a half marathon – well, I’ve done it! Yesterday I ran the Great West Run in Exeter, England. Not the flattest course and a really hot day! I have been following the sub 2.15 plan and have stuck to it with the exception of the odd run here and there due to family stuff. I can’t manage the live strength classes as they clash with work and school runs, but I have certainly done my strength work and I’m sure that is one of the factors that got me round and has left me pretty ache-free today! Oh, and the important stuff, I would have been really happy with a time of 2.10, but somehow managed to clock 1 hr 57!! How crazy is that?!
Where to go from here?! I have discovered that I really like the 10k distance and think I would like to now work on getting that too well under the hour and combine that with more strength training as I still have a way to go with that. My knees can give me trouble, but if I keep with the strength exercises, they get me by. It would be good to be confident that my body was robust enough to tackle something more challenging in the time to come.
Thank you Coach Parry team. I think your system is awesome. I love the fact that the plans are geared around training times and paces and not distance. There is something about having to go out and run a certain distance that I find quite demoralizing – don’t know why. But, training to time ticks the box for me.
Nicola x
I haven’t achieved a PB before my half marathon as I’ve just been running along my own journey, gradually working up from a 5k to 10k and then half marathon and never really setting myself goals.”
Well, Nicola, all we can say is that we are exceptionally happy to hear you have felt the benefits of the training. Your consistency has without a doubt paid dividends!
Joining Coach Parry & Nicola’s Next Goal
Nicola became a Coach Parry member in September 2021.
I joined because I wanted to work towards a half marathon.”
She thinks the biggest contributor to her success story has been in taking her easy runs easy and being consistent with strength training.
In terms of what’s next…
I’m at a bit of a crossroads at the moment as the half marathon was a big challenge for me.”
Nicola doesn’t think she has a marathon in her for the simple reason that she doesn’t really have enough available time to put in the training, but she would like to be able to remain half marathon fit and to be able to run a 10k when she feels like it without it being too much of an uphill struggle.
Join us for a free online presentation of the…
The Running Through Menopause Masterclass
…and discover how you can run well (and faster) as you get older, without training more or harder than you currently are, all while avoiding injury.
If it feels like you’re training harder than ever but not running the paces you’d like to be running or if you’re constantly tired, fatigued or running in some sort of pain, then this is specifically for you.
Save Your Seat In This Training Now…
Difficulties Along The Way
One of the reasons for starting with Coach Parry was to attack the strength training and overcome a knee injury.“
She has been able to do just that! Although Nicola knows her right knee remains a weakness… it’s a super great incentive for her to keep up with the strength training.
Speaking of strength training… Grab a free strength training plan here.
Nicola told us that one thing she also struggled with along the way was tiredness.
… but I have learned so much about rest and recovery along the way and also nutrition, so much so, that I know I get tired when I overtrain and/or don’t eat enough or correctly.”
This has been a real “ah-ha” moment for Nicola and has helped her generally in life. “Especially at my stage of life and going through menopause.”
According to Nicola, there wasn’t really a hard part about reaching her PB.
All she has to do was trust the process and was truly amazed at the result – “or maybe it was Beginner’s Luck!”
Nicola told us that she thinks this is the fittest she has EVER been in her entire adult life!💪
Absolutely impressive results Nicola! We can’t wait to see what’s next!
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