We discuss your longest run in preparation for The London Marathon calculated according to your race goal time and pace range.
It’s a pain in the calf area that gets better with rest but worse when you run… Let’s have a look at everything you need to know about a Fibula stress fracture.
Are you stuck running 4:30 + marathons… let’s have a look at what you need to do in order to run a marathon in under 4 hours.
Sleep plays a vital role in your health and your mental & physical well-being. Let’s have a look at why sleep is EXTREMELY important for runners…
Tempo runs are a fantastic way to build confidence as a runner. Let’s delve into everything you need to know about tempo runs.
Not getting an adequate amount of sleep affects both your physical and cognitive function. Let’s have a look at a few studies that all prove why athletes, including runners, need to prioritize sleep…
A lot of people swear by them, a lot of people think they’re snake oil and they’re absolutely rubbish. What’s the deal… compression socks or not? Let’s find out…
Anyone who has tapered before knows that feeling… we feel like we’re going crazy because we fear losing our fitness and gaining weight. Let’s have a look at the reasons you should taper, how to taper correctly, marathon tapering mistakes, and if it’s possible to taper too much…
We all have our days where we simply just feel slow and can’t even think about running at the pace we normally do run at… If these types of days are occurring more and more and closer together then it might be time to get to the bottom of it and find out what is really going on and if it’s a cause for concern.