A lot of runners don’t realize that running downhill is harder on the body than running uphill. Let’s find out the most efficient way to run downhill.
This is Celeste’s inspirational journey of building confidence as a runner. Read about how she went from feeling like she was holding up the pack to smashing race goals & feeling like a true runner.
Many studies prove that exercise does in fact help you to fall asleep faster… Let’s have a look at if running falls into that category.
Going from a comfortable 10km to a half-marathon is fairly easy, and you can do that in 8 to 12 weeks without putting yourself at any risk. This is exactly how to do it…
With the proper amount of training and a structured training schedule, a half marathon is a fantastic goal to aim for… you could even do it just 2 months!
Determined to run through and long after your knee arthritis but wondering if it’s even possible? This will help…
Sleep becomes more important during training periods for a number of valid reasons. But, how much extra sleep do you need to have according to your long run distance?
Let’s find out if there is a magic number when it comes to how many hours of sleep runners require to improve their running performance.
Very few runners actually get an adequate amount of sleep. There is a possibility that their training intensity, their running nutrition, and the time of day that they train could be the cause of their insomnia.
It’s no secret that as runners we are more often than not sleep-deprived. Like any other human, we find ourselves juggling too many things and trying to fit them all into one day. Let’s find out if you’re getting enough sleep…