From joking with friends about running the Comrades, skip ahead and now she has 2 actual and 2 virtual Comrades finishes behind her!
Road & trail running shoes have key differences for many reasons. We take a more in-depth look into those reasons, help you to choose the best pair for you & compare the most popular trail & road runners in 2022.
Beginning to run at any age, even if you are in your 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and reap the many health benefits that come hand-in-hand with running.
A detailed look at what happens to your body and what health benefits you gain throughout just 30 minutes of running.
It’s no secret that runners slow down as they get older, but that doesn’t have to be the case. We simplify the science to help you to keep running well, well beyond your 50’s…
Does sacrificing the activities you love have to be the case? Just because you’ve got arthritis. Let’s dive into the impacts arthritis can have on your running and how to run safely with arthritis.
By running slower and following the MAF method, Javier Montano was able to run faster and smash his 5km & full marathon PB’s.
This is a particularly special #FastFriday for me to write for two reasons. Firstly, I am very biased because the Boston Marathon is one of my 2 favourite…
One of the popular theories amongst runners is that potato chips can prevent leg cramps while you’re running.
We dive into why this is in fact true.
Discover how Jim Panton ran a sub 20min 5k off the bike (at the age of 52) and qualified to represent Great Britain in triathlon.
With all the different types, designs, brands, and styles of running shoes, it can take hours of research and trying on multiple pairs before you finally decide on…