The words metatarsal stress fracture is enough to strike fear into the heart of any runner… Let’s dive into why metatarsal stress fractures happen, the symptoms, and what type of treatment is required.
A lot of people swear by them, a lot of people think they’re snake oil and they’re absolutely rubbish. What’s the deal… compression socks or not? Let’s find out…
Anyone who has tapered before knows that feeling… we feel like we’re going crazy because we fear losing our fitness and gaining weight. Let’s have a look at the reasons you should taper, how to taper correctly, marathon tapering mistakes, and if it’s possible to taper too much…
We all have our days where we simply just feel slow and can’t even think about running at the pace we normally do run at… If these types of days are occurring more and more and closer together then it might be time to get to the bottom of it and find out what is really going on and if it’s a cause for concern.
Blisters can be very annoying and painful for runners but despite not being a serious health risk, they can sideline a runner. Let’s dive deep into everything a runner or non-runner needs to know about blisters…
Tracking your running cadence can ultimately help you become a better, faster runner but there is not one specific universal cadence that everyone should aim to run at. But, there is a range that you should strive to be in.
This comprehensive Comrades Marathon mileage guide includes totals and weekly averages plus how many marathons and ultras to run when training for Comrades.
In this Fast Friday, we have a look at Megan’s incredible running story and how she managed to smash her 5K Personal Best.
This comprehensive Comrades Marathon seeding guide includes seeding tables & times, plus a BONUS legal method to ‘cheat’ your way to a better seeding…
It’s been proven that strengthening your feet can be just as rewarding as strengthening any other part of your body. In this article we have a detailed look at exactly how strengthening your feet and ankles will contribute to stopping your feet from hurting while you run…
From Ultimate Frisbee player to plodding along to 70 mile Ultra Marathons! This is the incredible story of Troy Jensen.