5 Years ago Carrie (age 70) qualified for Boston with a time of 4:32:59, recently she qualified with a 4:33:07. Only 8 seconds slower for a 5- year age increase!
If you’re interested in changing your life, improving your cardiovascular health, building confidence, connecting to nature, and increasing your longevity…It’s not the craziest idea…Running will help you to do just that.
You’ve almost certainly experienced that queasy, uneasy feeling at one time or another – Let’s have a look at what nausea feels like, why you may be experiencing it while you run, and what you can do to prevent it.
This is Jen’s incredible story about the discipline to keep going when maybe mentally you are not in the mood or family life distracts you from taking time for yourself to train.
By following these simple tips it is possible to improve your running speed and stay injury-free in your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond.
The no. of menopausal women worldwide is estimated to reach 1.1 billion by 2025, you’d think that we would be able to talk openly about it… We’re here to do just that! Here are 5 AMAZING reasons why you should continue running through menopause.
Steve shows us how strength training helped him go from having injuries to completing the Fred Whitton Challenge & his first standard distance triathlon.
This is the story of how after taking 15 years off running, Tom went from barely being able to run 1km to breaking his marathon PB.
Many people think getting older means that you need to cut back on physical activity to avoid injuries… This is not true, leading an active lifestyle after the age of 50 keeps your muscles and bones strong, your mind sharp, and can add years to your life.
We use our toes every day, so they get quite the workout, add running into the equation and you realize how important they really are.
The truth is, no matter how tall, short, skinny, or bulky you are… with the correct training plan and consistency, you will be able to train for a marathon in less than one year while learning lessons that you can apply to the rest of your life